Recent work made in the past five years focusses largely on the layering of life and its circular nature.
Community. Accumulation. Residue.
The experience of dual nationality/identity and speaking two or more languages on a daily basis is second nature to millions of us and over time this has come more consciously to the fore. The incessant to-ing and fro-ing, coming and going between places and countries is reflected through the use of a variety of materials. Bringing together, overlapping, shaping and reshaping colour and form, juxtaposed with text – personal writings, found words and phrases – spark new meaning and interpretation.
The notion of the passing and segmenting of time, of a life.
What remains of an action, movement or gesture, what do we leave behind us?
Melanie Kenyon has dual British/French nationality and lives and works in Marseille, Southern France.
She has been teaching English Culture and Communication at the Ecole supérieure d’art et design Grenoble-Valence since 1990.